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Free Download Poker Calculator Pro

Poker is a game of a lot of things but it is also (some will say first) a game of math. If you really want to progress on your game, you are going to have to learn the maths and the advanced statistics associated with various situations. We have some good news though! First, the maths are relatively easy to grasp and soon, with practice, you will be able to understand and calculate the pot odds, the implied odds and your equity in the pot. The other good news, is that there are a lot of poker odds calculator online you can use on your computer. Today, though, we are going to focus on the poker calculators you can find in the Apple App Store and the Google Play store. The ones you can use to train your brain on the go.

Calculate your odds of winning a poker hand

If you go to both app stores and look for poker calculators, you will find tons of free or paid apps for calculating odds. From the simplest free tool to the more advanced poker odds calculator. We downloaded all the free ones we could find, so you don't have too, both on iOS and Android. Only 5 of them made it to our selection. For Android, only 4 of them made it to the list. A lot of the apps which were not selected were just too ugly, too clumsy, too slow or with adverts in the way.

To make our life easier, a lot of the apps have exactly the same name so we will provide you with the direct link for each of them so you don't have to fiddle around. Overall it was a painful experience to review all these so called poker odds calculators. In a couple of case we just had absolutely no idea what we were suppose to do with the app :) Some of these apps totally qualified for worst user experience of a poker app ever. Sad state of the nation. However, a few stood out and deserved to be brought forward. Have a look for yourself.

Poker Odds Calculators for iOS

The following list is the result of our evaluation. Congratulations to the ones who made it. Overall, one app stands out. It is simply called Odds Calculator and you will find its info below. At the end of the day all these apps do the same things so it is down to which one looks the best and is the quickest to use. For example, some apps show you the results instantly while others force you to tap on a button to calculate the results. We have marked with "Instant results" or "Calculate button" all the selected apps. Some apps have a light design, other have more bright colours. We will let you be judge to what you prefer.

Enterra Poker Calculator - "Calculate button"

Enterra Poker Calculator

Enterra Poker Calculator has a modern look and feel. It looks nice. We regret the presence of the Calculate button but Enterra Poker Calculator has a couple of nice touches: voice and picture input. Instead of tapping on cards to set their value, you can just say it "Ace of Diamond" or take a picture of the card. A good entry in our selection.

Fast Poker Odds - "Instant results"

Fast Poker Odds

Poker Odds is the simplest to use from all our selection. Everything you need is on the screen. You just drag and drop the cards on the players (you can have up to 10 players) and on to the board. A bit like in a solitaire game. The app does the job perfectly and is the fastest. It gets you what you want in the less number of steps compared to all the other apps we tested. Just drag a card and your odds are displayed.

Pocket Poker Odds - "Calculate button"

Pocket Poker Odds

Pocket Poker Odds is completely different from the previous one. For a start, the app is using an horizontal layout and it has a big Calculate button in the middle of the interface. Still the interface is pleasant, minimalist and you can generate random scenarios automatically to help you train which is an added bonus if you like the horizontal format.

Poker Easy Odds - "Instant results"

Poker Easy Odds

If you don't like minimal designs, Poker Easy Odds is the one to go. It also has a horizontal interface but unlike the previous apps, the design is more like a video game as you look at the table. Adding cards is fairly quick and you can choose how fast (aka how accurately) you want the results to be.

Odds calculator for Poker - "Instant results"

Odds calculator for Poker

Odds Calculator for Poker is our favourite because of its minimalist design. The interface is very slick with its white background and simple tap actions. You can calculate your odds against a specific hand or a range of hands for each player. You are a few taps away from the results all the way to the river. A must have.

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Poker Odds Calculators for Android

If we thought there were too many poker calculators on the Apple App Store, it was nothing when we looked at Google Play. Pages and pages of free calculators, some of them requiring to give you permissions to your photos, your contact lists for no reasons. We stayed away from these and selected the following 4. Just like with iOS, all these apps do the same thing so it is really a question of design and usability. Here's what we found for you:

Poker Calculator - "Instant results"

Poker Calculator

Poker Calculator is a no non-sense free calculator that does the job perfectly. The interface is simple and basic but the app is fast and clear. Just tap on a card to set its value and the odds get calculated instantly as you add more cards or players. If you are looking for a simple app to help you train calculating odds, you can't go wrong with this one.

Enterra Poker Calculator - "Calculate button"

Enterra Poker Calculator

Enterra Poker Calculator has a much more modern and designed look and feel. It looks nice. We regret the presence of the Calculate button but this app has a couple of nice touches: voice and picture input. Instead of tapping on cards to set their value, you can just say it "Ace of Diamond" or take a picture of the card.

Poker Odds Calculator - "Instant results"

Poker Odds Calculator

Poker Odds Calculator has a simple but efficient design. You get to your results instantly as soon as you tap on a card to set its value. You can't really go wrong with this one. If you like lighter designs, this app is probably for you but it is no contender in the nice design category to the next one.

Odds calculator - "Instant results"

Odds calculator

Odds calculator is our favourite because of its minimalist design. The interface is very slick with its white background and simple tap actions. You can calculate your odds against a specific hand or a range of hands for each player. You are a few taps away from the results all the way to the river. A must have and the one we will keep on our phone.

If you seriously want to practice calculating fast and accurately all your important stats, pick the app you preferred from the list above and you will be all set. But remember, whatever the poker hands calculator tells you, you are always at the mercy of a bad beat. What might look like the winning hand still has a ridiculously low probability to happen. Don't hate the game or yourself for bad beats. They will happen. It is part of the game.

Now the final question: do you need any of these apps? Only if you want to practice all the necessary calculations in your head and then check with an app to see if you are doing it right. These apps are not meant to replace you while you play but help you improve your capacity at accurately and quickly calculate all the various odds at stake. This capacity is essential if you want to become a better poker player, just like bankroll management.

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Source: https://www.pokerbankrollapp.com/The-Best-Poker-Calculators-Mobile-Apps-To-Improve-Your-Game/

Posted by: louisgregsone0191557.blogspot.com